7MarchBudapest Convention: The most Important International Document against Cyber Crime 12:00 - Conference Room (Building A, ground floor) IUS Faculty of Law (FLW) is organizing an event on Budapest Convention:
27FebruaryWorkshop for FLW Students: How to Write a Seminar Paper? 13:00 - Conference Room (Building A, ground floor) IUS Faculty of Law (FLW) is organizing a workshop "How to Write a Seminar Pap
20FebruaryExhibitions: Fraternal Visuals & Visual Synonyms by Antoine Abi Aad 12:00 - 12:30 - IUS Art Gallery Within the scope of the 39th International Sarajevo Winter Festival, Internat
9MarchPhD Thesis Defense Announcement - Ms. Azra Bičo 11:00 - Red Amphitheatre (Building A, ground flour) Ms.
20FebruaryFLW Public Lectures Series: The High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina: Recent Decisions and their Implications 12:00 - Online You are all cordially invited.
20FebruaryExhibition of VACD Students Works 13:00 - Exhibition of student works from the Visual Arts and Visual Communications De
7MarchSAP Enterprise Resource Planning 17:00 - IUS Life - Centar za cjeloživotno učenje Internacionalnog univerziteta u Sara
23MarchIPCEI Microelectronics STEM Workshop SiC (Silicon Carbide) Technology and Production 09:00 - Be welcomed to join our session and discover more about:
K O N K U R S za izbor u umjetničko-nastavno zvanje - vanredni profesor za umjetničku oblast Vizualna umjetnost 08.02.2023
17FebruarySusreti mladih istraživača Kantona Sarajevo iz oblasti tehničkih nauka 09:00 - ANUBiH, Bistrik 7, Sarajevo P O Z I V
K O N K U R S za izbor akademskog osoblja - docent za naučnu oblast Političke nauke i sociologija 03.02.2023