4MarchExhibition "Inbetween" by Denis Haračić 12:00 - Art Gallery (A building) IUS Art Gallery is organizing an exhibition "Inbetween" on Monda
15AprilArchiCAD Course for Students and Architects! 14:00 - ArchiCAD course will provide students with comprehensive training in Building
29FebruaryConference "The Battle of Three Miracles: Çanakkale" 15:00 - IUS Main Amphitheater (Building A) International University of Sarajevo is hosting a conference titled "The Batt
19MarchMindfulness Therapy: Introductory Course 10:00-11:30 - IUS Psychological Counselling Center This course will offer participants an insight into the basics of mindfulness
29FebruaryDecoding the Authors' Dilemma in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Copyright 12:00 - The lecture will focus on addressing the complex legal landscape of copyright
10MarchONLINE - SAP Enterprise Resource Planning!!! 13:00 - IUS Life - Centar za cjeloživotno učenje Internacionalnog univerziteta u Sara
26FebruaryFintech Transformation: How Technology will Shape the Future 12:00 - FBA Conference Room (B F1.35) The event is part of the Investment and Portfolio Management course, focusing
12MarchDoctoral Dissertation Defense Announcement - Mr. Sait Yagci 10:00 - Red Amphitheater PhD candidate, Mr.
16FebruaryMaster Thesis Defense Announcement - Mr. Mowalim Kalim 15:00 - Conference Room (A building) Mr.
16FebruaryMaster Thesis Defense Announcement - Ms. Asmaa Suleiman 13:00 - Conference Room (A building) Ms.