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15:00 - 16:30

TTT Masterclass:

IUS Lifelong Learning Center invites you to join us at our new masterclass, which will be held by our colleague Frank Ezerink, Deltion College, Zwolle, NL!

"Always searching for new ideas on how to get students involved during your classes? Never again do you have to search for your preparations somewhere on your hard drive. The only thing you and your students need is a proper internet connection.I will show you how I did it, all my classes, projects, and every idea I ever had put into XERTE, the new way of teaching.

Want to look at one of the examples?Just click here:

Frank Ezerink

IUS Lifelong Learning Center

This Masterclass is part of the TEF Autumn Masterclasses Series 


International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
