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Qualification Recognitions

International University of Sarajevo
International University of Sarajevo

Qualification Recognition

International University of Sarajevo (IUS) offers a comprehensive qualification recognition process designed for two distinct purposes: employment (professional) and continuing studies (academic). The academic qualification recognition process is exclusively available to candidates pursuing further studies at IUS, while the professional qualification recognition process is accessible to anyone. This process adheres to the Rulebook for Qualification Recognition (available in the link below), which outlines the procedures and criteria for validating diplomas to ensure their recognition for professional advancement and academic pursuits.

To initiate the qualification recognition process, below listed doucments can be delivered:

  • in person to the Graduate Office (Building A, G-19, ground floor) or, 
  • via post to Hrasnička cesta 15, 71210 Ilidža-Sarajevo, BiH.


  1. Application Form for Qualification Recognition (additional required documents are listed on the fourth and fifth pages of the application form, depending on the type of recognition you wish to pursue),
  2. Authorization for Release of Information and,
  3. Payment slip.

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
