10JulyPhD Dissertation Defense Announcement - Ms. Esma Bilajac 12:00 - Red Amphitheater (Building A, ground floor) Mrs.
27JunePhD Dissertation Defense Announcement - Mr. Hamza Smajić 10:00 - Red Amphitheater (Building A, ground floor) Mr.Hamza Smajić, a third cycle student of the Management study program, will
20JuneLecture on Activated Carbons with Enhanced Effective Adsorption Amount: Deep Tech Solution in Effective Usage of Waste Heat Resources 10:00 - Conference Room (Building A, ground floor) IUS Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP), in cooperation with the IUS Faculty o
15JuneExperiential Teaching of Inclusive Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Malaysia 10:00 - B F2.27 English Language and Literature - Teaching (ELT) study program organizes a wo
12JulyProcesna kalibracija - Osnove 14:00 - IUS Life - Centar za cjeloživotno učenje Internacionalnog univerziteta u Sara
8JulyKurs fiber-optike 14:00 - IUS Life - Centar za cjeloživotno učenje Internacionalnog univerziteta u Sara